Learn about ageism
Ageism is everywhere
- In advertisements of beauty products and juices that aim to ‘fight ageing’;
- In laws that exclude people beyond a certain age from access to innovative surgical treatments, from receiving a mobility allowance and from benefiting from work-related training due to age limits;
- in remarks such as ‘you are too old for that’;
- in beliefs that young people are ‘smarter, more dynamic, more capable’ than the old;
- in cases where older people are refused car insurance, credit card or travel insurance merely on the basis of their age
- in jokes that the solution to the health crisis is to let older people die
- in practices whereby families abandon older people in hospitals, known as ‘granny dumping’
- in the lack of investment for lifelong learning and care services for the older population
- in fairy tales that depict older people as synonymous to forgetfulness, frailty, grumpiness and death
- in medical diagnoses that attribute pain, soreness and sickness just to old age
- in attitudes that consider elder abuse and neglect as normal parts of caregiving instead of wrong and harmful human rights violations
- in extreme degrading practices, such as witch hunting.
Ageism is the most widespread form of discrimination
42 % of Europeans perceive discrimination due to old
age (being over 55 years old) as “very” or “fairly”
widespread in their country
Read more
Why fight ageism?
Ageism reflects the way we feel, think and act towards older age
It is based on negative stereotypes about older age. We develop such stereotypes as early as 4 years old. Think about it. If you ask a child to draw an older person they will most likely use curved figures, grey hair, wrinkles, walking sticks, glasses and other characteristics reflecting physical and mental decline.
Ageism affects our health and wellbeing
As we get older we internalise these stereotypes, we try to hide our age and we fear ageing. According to research internalised ageism affects our health, our opportunities for social inclusion and may also be a risk for poverty and abuse. Ageism also undermines our memory, sense of autonomy and self-esteem.
We can all benefit from fighting ageism
As individuals we can gain on average 7.5 of life by holding positive attitudes towards older age. As society, we can benefit from the skills, experience and knowledge of the older generation by actively involving them in decision-making, in our communities, in paid and unpaid work and so on.
Stop thinking about older people as different. Older people are not a group set apart; ageing is a continuous and normal process that concerns everyone. Do not talk about older people as ‘they’ instead reflect on how ageism affects ‘us’
Are you ageist?
Did you know that in contrast to common beliefs that portray older people as sad and depressed, according to research people are happiest at the beginnings and the end of their lives? To check your own misconceptions and prejudices about ageing, see:
Ageism drives human rights abuses
“Athough the Universal Declaration on Human Rights proclaims that all human beings are born free and equal, it is evident that the enjoyment of all human rights diminishes with age, owing to the negative notion that older persons are somehow less productive, less valuable to society and a burden to the economy and to younger generations.”
UN Open-ended Working Group on Ageing, 2017
Learn more
Useful resources
- AGE Platform Europe paper on structural ageism
- Older persons’ self-advocacy handbook by AGE Platform Europe
- AGE Platform Europe manifesto on human rights
- AGE Platform Europe work on non-discrimination
Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) annual report focus: “Shifting perceptions: towards a rights‑based approach to ageing“
- Open access book “Contemporary perspectives on ageism“
- World Health Organisation global campaign to combat ageism
- Helpage work on age discrimination
- COST action on Ageism
- “Old School” – A clearing house for all things anti-ageism
Each one of us is ageing
Fighting ageism is a cause for ourselves and a legacy for future generations. Unless we put an end on it, it will affect us all.
Learn how to get involved
Awake the Power of Your Own Inner Old Lady
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Elderly care must pay more attention to exclusion mechanisms
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“Me sentí mayor y tonta” dice Pepita
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Celebrating ageing with anti ageist birthday cards!
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“Open attitude is a prerequisite to culture-sensitive care” stress Fatoş
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“Vieillir sans désir, c’est mourir à petit feu” raconte Francis
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Adopting a rights-based approach to ageing
Human rights must be at the heart of policy work on ageing at EU, national and
The UN global report on ageism kicks a worldwide campaign
“YES to ageing. NO to ageism!” by AGE Platform Europe The United Nations has published the first
If you want to talk about ageing, then do it properly
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“Should we live long?” asks Vassili
For Vassili, the celebrations taking place for the International Day of Older People rather go unnoticed.
In Leeds, it’s time to feel good about ageing
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Let’s stop playing the Covid-19 generation blame game
Photo by Bruno Achen for Bras Dessus Bras Dessous. This blog was originally published in Euractiv.
#LaisseLesRidesTranquilles – la campagne Instagram d’Espace Seniors
Dans un monde de plus en plus productiviste, qui calcule la valeur humaine en termes de
Belgian Center for Equal Opportunities calls for better protection of older people’s rights
By Unia, the independent Belgian public institution that fights against discrimination and defends equal opportunities. This
Younger People and Ageism during Covid-19
By Lindsay Maughan, PhD candidate at the School of Psychology, University of Plymouth, UK. “If it
“Politicians tell us measures are to protect us. The truth is different” says Silvia
For Silvia Margineanu, the measures taken by the Romanian government to protect citizens from the COVID-19
Ageism and COVID-19, a study of social inequality in Spain
With a survey conducted at the end of April 2020, a research team in Spain demonstrated
“If you seek to prevent us from growing old free to choose, you will force us to become outlawed”
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Belgian Prime Minister Sophie Wilmes suggests writing a
Trying (And Probably Failing) To Make Sense Of Ageism In The Midst Of COVID-19
By Peter Lloyd-Sherlock, Professor of Social Policy & International Development at University of East Anglia. The
“No woman should endure the years that I endured”
For 50 years, Anna had a relationship with a man who made her feel as if
“You find your way out, with help, and with courage.”
Montse suffered psychological abuse for years without being aware of it. She says it was hard
“It’s never too late” – a new awareness raising campaign on the violence against older women
‘It’s never too late’ (in Catalan, #MaiÉsMassaTard) is a campaign to raise awareness about gender-based violence
A new alliance for age diversity in the workplace
OldSchool@WorkAlliance is an emerging collective whose members will establish best practices for holding companies accountable for
“Whatever will come in the future, don’t run – we say in Moluccan”
Juan is Moluccan and chairman of LSMO, the National Foundation of Elderly Moluccans in the Netherlands.
“An advice to my 20-year-old self”
Christine is 65 years old. She is a board member of the national Older Women’s Network
Almost one in four older persons still experience violence in Portugal
By Ana Henriques and Sílvia Fraga Violence against older people is a significant and growing problem
“The world is at crossroads. We can have an influence”
More and more older people are taking part in actions to prevent global warming and are
Suicide ideation and behaviour of older people in care homes: Who is giving up?
Moving into a care home is a major life event in later life and most people
“One without the other, we simply can’t manage.”
ZDUS as the largest NGO representative of retired and old people in Slovenia calls on respect
“Tel jij nog mee als je 82 bent?”
De seniorenbeweging OKRA en de ngo Wereldsolidariteit doen een oproep aan beleidsmakers om senioren een stem
Soy Mayor, Soy Como Tú
La campaña #SoyMayorSoyComoTú es una campaña participativa para dar visibilidad a las personas mayores haciendo un
“I want to make my own decisions”
Vlaamse Ouderenraad collected stories from older persons. They asked them how they feel about ageing and
“How are you ageing today?” Art, Activism and Ageing
In this blogpost, Dave Martin from The Centre for Policy on Ageing builds the case for
Tools to protect a life that is worth living
Older people are rights holders and are entitled to the full enjoyment of their rights, irrespective
“L’âgisme tue ! Nous devons repenser les représentations négatives liées à l’âge”
Plus de 3000 suicides de personnes de plus de 60 ans ont été répertoriés en France,
“I have more time for other things now”
Inclusion Europe interviewed Jacqueline Pareys, 65, who worked long years for Inclusion Europe as an office
CSPA giving a voice to retired public servants
By David Luxton On the International Day of Older Persons, the Civil Service Pensioners Alliance is
Oldyssey, un livre pour rapprocher les générations
Par Clément Boxebeld et Julia Mourri La transition démographique est un phénomène mondial sans précédent, mais
“I felt that at the end of the day, I have been used and dumped”
His name is Chief Chibueze Akpu. He lives in a village in Kaduna State, Nigeria where
“Everything changed when I joined a literacy class”
Women who could not access education earlier in their life are often at higher risk of
“I am a youth defender”
Vlaamse Ouderenraad collected stories from older persons. They asked them how they feel about ageing and
“Too old to matter”
Anna is 85 years old and despite some cognitive impairment and mobility issues she still lives
“At 64, I’m eligible, at 65 I’m not”
Joan had a stroke at the age of 63 leading to acquired brain injury. After initially
“They told me to never come back”
As she is still mourning her husband, Odile is accused of being a witch and kicked
Edadismo y el diseño de productos
¿Cuál es el papel que los diseñadores pueden jugar en desafiar el ageismo? Un artículo de
“I didn’t realize was that my age would be a factor holding me back”
Zelda earned her PhD at the age of 56. She is telling us the higher education
Age, Sex and You: a new website talking about sexual changes for older adults
One of the #AgeingEqual campaign bloggers came back to us recently with a practical tool for
40% of Belgians in favour of stopping care after 85 years old
This is the observation reported in a recent article published in March 2019 in the Belgian
After 70 years of human rights, what’s next?
The image of a “silver tsunami” sometimes used to describe Europe’s ageing demographics was certainly not
Elder Abuse, Ageism and Human Rights: an exploration
After qualifying as a social worker in 1981, Bridget Penhale specialised in clinical work with older
Algemene situering
Geconfronteerd met een discriminerende advertentie van Lidle probeerde OKRA op dezelfde manier te reageren (met hun
Sexuality in later life: further research is needed
Society’s view of sex in late-life remains misinformed and negative, presuming that older people are not
The Istanbul Convention: Protecting the rights of older women to live a life free from violence
One in four women over the age of 60 in Europe has experienced abuse or violence
Dementia as a disability
Because of their age and condition, people living with dementia have struggled to access disability support. Dianne
Disability, an Issue for All Ages
Building on the results of a recent study on physical or sensory disability in older age,
La sexualité des seniors, toujours un sujet tabou ?
Fortes des témoignages recueillis à l’occasion d’une récente conférence, Kim Iker et Margot de Battista, psychologues
‘Quand je suis tombée à la retraite… j’ai monté un projet d’avenir!’
A rebourt des idées reçues sur les personnes âgées, Odile a lancé Or Gris, une association d’éducation populaire
‘Collision of Concepts’
Peter is a strong self-advocate of persons with reduced mobility. Not all problems have a digital
The Freedom to Make Your Own Choices
We are closing out the Ageing Equal Campaign with the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration
Shared stigma, separate silos: more on the intersection of ageism + ableism
People with disabilities come in all ages, and almost all of us encounter some change in
‘Une des valeurs principales de l’Islam, c’est la bienfaisance envers ses parents’
Hanan est musulmane. C’est aussi la fille d’un Marocain qui a émigré en Belgique alors qu’il
Ageism and deafness: a Danish good practice example
Many old deaf people live alone and isolated. The communication between old deaf people and their
Access to sign language and sign language environments is a necessity for deaf seniors living in retirement homes!
The European Union of the Deaf highlights that officially recognizing national sign languages is important action
‘Dementia does not mean the end of my world’
Carol is a member of the European Working Group of People with Dementia from Scotland. She
‘What will happen once we’re not there anymore – we think a lot about it’
Marianne Pinomaa and her husband Jyrki Pinomaa, president of Inclusion Europe, have two sons with intellectual
Rethinking care for older people through the lens of disability policies
Annika Taghizadeh Larsson, Håkan Jönson and Tove Harnett reflect on how the 2006 U.N. Convention on the Rights
‘Older people are traditionally encouraged to accept their fate’
Helen, Chairperson of the European Working Group of People with Dementia, is a strong self-advocate of
Age, disability and the need for a family dimension in long-term care
Persons with disabilities face a number of barriers in people’s attitudes, built environment and institutions which
90% of all blind and partially sighted Europeans are over 60
Nearly 90% of all blind and partially sighted Europeans are over the age of 60. This
‘We are still able to do things properly and with quality’
Tomaž is a member of the European Working Group of People with Dementia; with Alenka his
‘There are no places where persons with specific requirements can retire’ says U.N. independent expert
As the #AgeingEqual campaign discusses the intersection of ageism and disability, Mr. Stig Langvad, Independent expert
Older Belgians with care needs go vote – by themselves!
On October 14, 2018 Belgians were called to the polls for local elections. All Belgians? In
Connaitre les trajectoires individuelles pour mieux agir : le cas des femmes immigrées marocaines âgées en Belgique
Il a beaucoup été question du vécu des immigrés hommes marocains qui sont venus travailler en
‘For deaf seniors, it is essential to participate within the deaf community’
For deaf older people, it is essential to remain active, participate within the deaf community and
“When I’m 64, will I be living in a community that accepts me and that I can contribute to?”
Dr. Isaiah Durosaiye is an expert of AGE Platform Europe active in the field of employment
Older adults should have equal rights to learning opportunities!
Gina Ebner, from LLLPlatform and EAEA, highlights the importance of life-long learning for older adults’ participation
When ageism goes digital
Despite a growing majority of older adults are today using the internet in Europe, Dr. Maria
Religion, an overlooked factor of older persons’ participation in society
Are older persons more religious than other age groups? To avoid generalisation about older persons’ relation
Digitalisation: an additional threat to human rights in older age?
In today’s world, in a process of constant change, older persons have new opportunities and growing
Austerity: when rights are at threat and risks of abuse hover
Is there a link between austerity policies and an increase in the prevalence of elder abuse?
‘Day after day, she would get thrilled with these exceptional offers’
Anne-Sophie Parent, Secretary General of AGE Platform Europe, is sharing the story of her mum being
Financial abuse is abuse!
Just as we tend to forget about psychological violence and abuse, we tend to underestimate financial
Combating elder abuse requires to promote older people’s human rights
To protect older people from poor treatment and practices, and to empower them to speak up,
Preventing elder abuse: educational resources from collaborative projects
Ageism is increasingly recognised as a root cause for elder abuse. Because of this ageist lens,
Looking into elder abuse beyond the context of care: a pervasive societal phenomenon driven by ageism
Silvia Perel-Levin elaborates on the need to go beyond the narrow focus on elder abuse as
On tue les vieux !
L’exclamation du Professeur Jacques Soubeyrand en 2006 a résonné avec l’expérience de cette aidante proche d’une parente
Older women: the right to be free from violence
Violence against older women is a severe human rights abuse. It is one of the worst
Telefono Anziani Maltrattati: an Italian helpline for victims of elder abuse
When speaking of dependent older people, isolation and – most of all – poor quality care
Addressing intimate partner abuse: are we ageist?
Several years ago, Liat Ayalon’s student, Ms. Rachely Yechezkel, became increasingly interested in a specific aspect of
Comment j’ai vécu mes 20 premières années de retraite, pourquoi je prépare les 20 prochaines !
Il n’y a pas d’âge pour se réinventer. Le témoignage de Pierre atteste de la créativité
Respect Seniors
Basée à Namur, dans le sud de la Belgique, Respect Seniors est la dénomination courante de
El Multicanal SerCuidadorA: un servicio online para ofrecer información, apoyo y asesoramiento
El Multicanal SerCuidadorA es un proyecto dirigido a apoyar a las personas cuidadoras no profesionales, que
Looking at the ethnic and religious minorities of Europe: they’re ageing too!
Frequently the “migrant” factor is forgotten in discussions on Europe’s ageing population, despite the fact that
‘Take your money, get out of Denmark and don’t come back’
Bashy Quraishy is National Coordinator of ENAR Denmark. In this interview, first published in 2012, he
Older migrants in Europe: why we need a right-based approach
Ageing and international migration are interrelated phenomena which are currently affecting the European continent. As a
« Les vieux, c’est comme les enfants » : pour en finir avec l’infantilisation des personnes âgées
Katerina s’occupe de sa grand-mère. Ces contacts réguliers l’ont amenée à se questionner : et si
‘I have no intention of hiding’: the 6th week of the #AgeingEqual campaign in a nutshell
Our sixth #AgeingEqual campaigning week decrypted older people’s sexuality: we explored the stereotyping of older people as
The World Health Organisation global campaign to combat ageism
Today, for the first time in history, most people can expect to live into their sixties
News from the Sex and Intimacy in Later Life UK Campaign Forum: a big society-wide conversation on sex in later life
Much research has identified that older people are excluded from sexual/intimate citizenship. Older people become desexualized
‘I have been out as a gay man since the 70s and I have no intention of hiding again’
Ciarán is looking back at the progress made with regard to the rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
Older LGBTQI People: the International Federation on Ageing, Egale Canada and SAGE call to action
Despite the recent shift towards greater recognition of the need for tailored services for older LGBTQI
When your reproductive years are over, sexuality is not!
Anne-Sophie Parent, Secretary General of AGE Platform Europe, refers to a few telling examples that older
We must respect older people’s varying identities: a message from MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen
Ms. Sirpa Pietikäinen is a Member of the European Parliament committed to defend the rights of lesbian,
‘Stereotyping generations is creating generational myths, leading to divisions in society’: the 5th week of the #AgeingEqual campaign in a nutshell
Our fifth #AgeingEqual campaigning week explored ageism as stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination against both younger and older
Do older women have the right to sex?
Using general human rights provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights, the European Court of Human Rights
Promoting and supporting the sexual rights of older adults
There is a tendency to stereotype older adults as sexless: that they’re not interested in sex,
Older people less likely to be offered an HIV test in English sexual health clinics
Despite their mandate to offer HIV testing to all attendees, sexual health clinics in England are
‘Bring back that loving feeling’: Sexuality in later life and the impact of ageism
Trish Hafford-Letchfield is challenging ageist stereotypes about older people being asexual and calls for greater discussion
Révolution Senior: une campagne pour changer notre perception des seniors et de leur sexualité
“Aimer et être aimé-e en sept positions, quel que soit mon genre, mon âge et mon
A Belgian health insurance fund decides to reimburse sexual services for people in need of support
Belgian health insurance funds now intervene to support the access to sexual services with up to
A UK review of the benefits of cross-generational friendships
Having intergenerational or cross-generational friendships can promote mutual understanding, break down stereotypes, reduce prejudice and anxiety.
Why is age a barrier to intergenerational friendships?
Research from the UK and across Europe consistently shows that people are likely to have more
Children’s attitudes regarding older people – Are they ageist?
The literature presents mixed findings regarding the existence of ageism among children, which have been linked
RUDE creates short videos to talk sex and intimacy in later life
As an educator in social work and social care – Trish has found it important to
Promoting inclusive care environments for older people with sexual and gender diversities
Trish Hafford-Letchfield explains how older LGBT in residential care are victims of a ‘double trauma’ and
Challenging the perception of retired union members
At a union’s recent conference for Retired Members in the UK, one of the last motions
‘What Is That?’: a sparrow to teach tolerance between generations
This Greek short film made in 2007 shows a father and son sitting on a bench.
Life Stories: Older people talked and young people wrote
Through the development of mutual intergenerational understanding, the ‘Life Stories’ project encouraged the development of relationships
Intergenerational solidarity to tackle ageism
The work and experience of equality bodies (collected here and here) confirm that ageism and high
The importance of fighting ageism for future generations: a message from MEP Brando Benifei
Mr. Brando Benifei, one of the youngest Member of the European Parliament, has joined the #AgeingEqual
A few steps to start tackling ageism against young people
Wondering how to tackle ageism against young people? The European Youth Forum is giving you a
Ageism: the youth perspective
Ageism is more ingrained than other forms of discrimination, and it is used to discriminate against
The diverse (invisible) forms of intergenerational solidarity
A lot of intergenerational exchanges take place at grassroots level. Philippe Seidel, AGE Policy Officer in
Intergenerational labour markets as a driver for employment
In the field of employment, it is sometimes said that older workers have obsolete skills and
‘We were born to connect’
Just like in his 2017 TEDx talk, Clive Colledge calls for generations to unite and forget
‘We are not given any respect and support’: the 4th week of the #AgeingEqual campaign in a nutshell
Our fourth #AgeingEqual campaigning week looked at the experience of migration by older people. Many difficulties experienced by
Older migrants have the right to be treated with respect: respect of their age, and respect of their culture
The ‘othering’ of older migrants in Western societies is common, also when one encounters care professionals.
The Older Persons Council of Biscay (Spain) launches a new observatory to monitor ageism in the media
Often, the Basque media collects news and content with stereotyped images of older persons, contributing to
Homelessness is not only about housing… and it is experienced by people of all ages!
Most often homelessness is associated with accelerated ageing due to the living conditions of sleeping rough
‘The Big Middle’ – A new podcast to challenge our conceptions of ageing
Created by Susan Flory, an experienced international journalist, chief editor and executive producer, ‘The Big Middle’
‘Who hears the voice of older migrants?’
Fifi is a committed health professional like there are many — except that besides work, Fifi
Cut-backs in care affects women as care-receivers and care-givers
There have been substantial reductions in the provision of care for older adults, with effects for
Meet older women’s advocate Maria Ludovica Bottarelli Tranquilli-Leali
Maria Ludovica Bottarelli Tranquilli-Leali, President and European Women’s Lobby Board member for Italy, is a long-standing
Building age-friendly cities and communities: to enable generations to live together?
The impact of population ageing on the economy and health care is much discussed. But where
A guidebook for care professionals to respect the cultural background of people experiencing memory loss
As the Finnish population with a migrant background is ageing, the Society for Memory Disorders Expertise in
Confucianism and the later life choices of older Chinese living in Belgium
Chinese emigrants are the fourth largest group of non-European foreigners in Belgium, after Morocco, Turkey and
Housing and care needs for older migrants in the Netherlands
Older migrants, just like Dutch elderly people, prefer to live on their own for as long
When older people flee their homes from danger, ageism is a barrier to accessing help
Based on evidence from Helpage International, older people are more at risk during forced displacement “We
‘How can we support ourselves if we’re denied our social rights?’: the 3rd week of the #AgeingEqual campaign in a nutshell
Our third #AgeingEqual campaigning week raised the issue of ageism as a barrier to the enjoyment of
An ageist society is a society unable to ensure dignity to those in need of care – and we may all suffer from it!
We all are likely to need care at some point in our lives. We might have
How is ageism linked to inappropriate medication use in older patients?
Jovana Brkic and Daniela Fialova explain that ageism affects the way medicines are prescribed and managed,
Improving working conditions in care is critical to the human rights of older people
Mark Bergfeld, European Director of UNICARE, tells us about the two inter-connected challenges brought to us
The importance of social support in attenuating social inequalities in quality of life of older people
Ana Henriques, from the Institute of Public Health, University of Porto and member of the ROSE network
Ageism interacts with other forms of discrimination in the context of care of older persons
The United Nations Programme on ageing is coming back on the discussions held at the recent
Understand different faces of poverty and social exclusion in old age
By Maciej Kucharczyk – Policy Director, AGE Platform Europe. Poverty and social exclusion in old age
‘I no longer feel that learning opportunities are encouraged for people of my age‘
Salvatore’s story is emblematic of the discrimination many people are experiencing due to their age as
Ageing with social rights: a message from MEP Heinz K. Becker
Mr. Heinz K. Becker, only representative of a senior citizens’ organisation in the European Parliament, is
‘Social isolation in Cyprus is more common to persons with disabilities’
Maria looked after her widowed mother with dementia after her father passed away. As she is
Eurodiaconia, at the service of the fight against ageism
For Alexander Elu and Célimène Bernard, policy officers at Eurodiaconia, the European network of churches and
Social rights for carers: a prerequisite for building age-friendly societies
Eurocarers, the European Association working with and for informal carers, reminds the importance to care for
‘Older women carry on – as they always do’: the 2nd week of the #AgeingEqual campaign in a nutshell
Our second #AgeingEqual campaigning week looked at the intersection of age and gender. We touched upon specific
“Let’s give the chance to everyone to speak out”: an experience of co-creation
Our society walks, acts, reacts fast. And it often behaves as if older people were second-class
Contre l’impératif jeuniste, changeons de regard sur la vieillesse !
En février dernier, peu après les mobilisations sur la prise en charge des personnes âgées dépendantes
Ageing of migrant women: the story of multiple discrimination
Taking advantage of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – that will
Ageing labour migrants from the 1960ies at risk of marginalisation in European welfare states
Ursula Trummer, from the Center for Health and Migration Vienna stresses the vulnerability of migrant workers
Why you should be calling for a new U.N. convention for your rights in older age
Nena Georgantzi explains the link between ageism and human rights breaches and makes the case for
The Albanian Society for All Ages, a movement of activists transforming women’s lives
The Albanian Society for All Ages (ASAG) is the only voice for older women in Albania. Ermira
Why do I want to live in a world for all ages?
How old will we be in 2060 – the year in which older women over the
Age management: a preventive approach to conserve the workability and employability of older people
Chris Ball, from the Centre for Research into the Older Workforce, gives us some food for thought
EveryAge Counts: an advocacy campaign aimed at tackling ageism in Australia
EveryAGE Counts is an ambitious campaign spearheading a social movement with a challenging goal: to shift
‘When I am an old woman, shall I wear purple?’
Just like in the poem of Jenny Joseph, Laura Christ, proud member of the Older Women’s
Programa LEGADO: valorizar la experiencia de las personas mayores y su rol como transmisoras de cultura
El programa Legado forma parte de la iniciativa Euskadi Lagunkoia (Euskadi Amigable). Esta iniciativa puesta en
‘It was a strange process’: Vicki’s experience as an informal carer
Vicki is still working. As she cares for her husband with early dementia, she had to
Old age poverty has a female face: Being an Elderly Migrant Woman in Sweden
Monica Cristea, vice-chair of RIFFI, the Federation of Migrant Women Associations in Sweden and member of
Belgian Center for Equal Opportunities calls for action against age discrimination in access to driving insurances
In a move to end age discrimination against older drivers, Unia, the Belgian Center for Equal
The challenge of healthy ageing: while men die, women suffer
Peggy Maguire, from EIWH (European Institute of Women’s Health) reminds us that in a society where
The European Women’s Lobby joins the “Ageing Equal” campaign and calls for the empowerment of older women across Europe
Ageism continues to be pervasive worldwide and has serious consequences for the health and well-being of
A first week of campaigning for ageing with equal rights!
On 1st October, the International Day of Older Persons, we launched the global anti-ageism campaign #AgeingEqual
Digital society: A better world… for all?
José-Luis Tejedor shares with us his concerns about the rapid digitalisation of our societies and how
‘I feel this hidden discrimination from people’s gaze and attitudes’
Sait Mentes Birlik shares a moving testimony about his journey from Turkey after he started to
“It’s Easier to do Nothing” – The silence of older women victims of abuse
Kelly Blank, from WAVE (Women Against Violence Europe) shares the results of the TISOVA project based
The age and gender dimension of informal caregiving
In most European countries, a large part of long-term care for older people is provided by
Ageism is contagious
Tracey Gendron, PhD, explains how ageism is embedded in our routine actions and language and how
Trying to make sense of ageism in health
Peter Lloyd-Sherlock, Professor of Social Policy & International Development at University of East Anglia, puts the
Discrimination in Belgian health care: People 65+ are excluded from refund for consulting a psychologist
Nils Vandenweghe Director of the Flemish Elderly Council shares a characteristic example of ageism in access
‘Older people in Greece are seen as a burden and are not encouraged to live independent, active and fulfilling lives’
Liz Mestheneos from Greece gives a vivid account of structural ageism and how it has affected
The U.N. Independent Expert calls on everyone to stand up for their human rights in older age!
On the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons, Ms. Rosa Kornfeld-Matte, the U.N. Independent
“When I’m Hundred-Four…” – Ageism in statistics
By Maciej Kucharczyk – Policy Director, AGE Platform Europe “When I’m Sixty-Four” sang the Beatles in
A Day to Reaffirm that Older People Have Rights
A Day to Reaffirm that Older People Have Rights: New ‘Ageing Equal’ Campaign Calls Out Ageism Worldwide!
The U.N. Independent Expert calls all generations to protect rights of ageing society
GENEVA (27 September 2018) – The United Nations Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human
Members of the European Parliament support the ‘Ageing Equal’ campaign
BRUSSELS (01 October 2018) – The Members of the European Parliament Intergroup Subgroup on Active Ageing
‘We have the same rights’ – a project by ENNHRI on the human rights of older persons in long-term care
From 2015 to 2017, the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) conducted an EU-funded
I am old, so what?
‘I am old, so what?’ – An ageism awareness campaign from Barcelona ‘Sóc gran, i què?’
AGE President launches the ‘Ageing Equal’ campaign
“The 2015 Eurobarometer survey on discrimination shows that discrimination or harassment because of old age is the
Meet human rights champion Barbro Westerholm
Barbro Westerholm has been recently re-elected to the Swedish Parliament, where she serves as its oldest