“The world is at crossroads. We can have an influence”
More and more older people are taking part in actions to prevent global warming and are working to ensure that future generations will also have good living conditions. For the Older Persons’ Day, the German Senior Citizens’ Organization BAGSO showed support to all generations participating in climate action.
“The world is at an important crossroads. We humans have a great influence on what happens to the planet.”
Franz Müntefering
BAGSO recalled the increasing number of older adults that take part in demonstrations of the #FridaysForFuture movement and establish their own initiatives such as Grandparents for Future. Others take part in projects such as repair cafés or set an example with their resource-saving lifestyles for more sustainability. BAGSO supports the new social movement and encourages older generations in their commitment to a future worth living.
Read BAGSO’s press release (in German)
BAGSO – the German National Association of Senior Citizens’ Organisations is an umbrella organization that currently includes over 110 nationally active member associations and represents more than 13 million older persons in Germany. www.bagso.de
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