“It’s never too late” – a new awareness raising campaign on the violence against older women
‘It’s never too late’ (in Catalan, #MaiÉsMassaTard) is a campaign to raise awareness about gender-based violence against older women launched by Fundació Aroa (Aroa Foundation) in Spain.
The intersection of gender and age exposes older women to double discrimination and violation of human rights due to the cumulative impact of sexism and ageism. Violence against older women is a gender-specific and major social problem worldwide. The extent and prevalence of this violence are enormously high around Europe. In Spain, 12.5% of feminicides were women over 60 and a recent report* reveals that 40% of women in that abusive situation have suffered violence for more than 40 years; and 27%, between 20 and 30 years. In addition, 56% claim to have had sexual relations against their will for fear of the abuser, and 7 out of 10 have suffered economic violence.
In this context and from our direct experience providing support to older women, we have launched this campaign aiming to make violence against older women visible, to show the lack of social engagement to tackle it and to serve as a motor of awareness for decision-making stakeholders, citizens and women who have been or are going through a similar situation from the voice and experience of 3 women that have been accompanied under our counselling program. The campaign states “It’s never too late” because women’s human right to live a life free from violence do not diminish with age.
The campaign includes 4 videos, 1 main spot and 3 personal stories and it is also available in Spanish and Catalan subtitles in the same channels. You can check all out the videos of the campaign on:
- Twitter: Spot, Story 1, Story 2, Story 3
- Instagram: Spot, Story 1, Story 2, Story 3
- Linkedin: Spot, Story 1, Story 2, Story 3
- Facebook: Spot, Story 1, Story 2, Story 3
- YouTube: Spot, Story 1, Story 2, Story 3
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Aroa Foundation was born in 2003 with the purpose to make the human right to health effective, and to do so from a holistic, integral and feminist perspective. Learn more about Aroa’s actions for older women’s rights here or read the *report aforementionned (in Spanish) on women over 65 years of age who are victims of gender-based violence.
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