AGE President launches the ‘Ageing Equal’ campaign

AGE President launches the ‘Ageing Equal’ campaign

“The 2015 Eurobarometer survey on discrimination shows that discrimination or harassment because of old age is the most frequently mentioned type of discrimination. Yet, age discrimination is the only form of inequality that is widely accepted as normal, legitimate and justifiable, and age categorisations are largely seen as useful or even necessary. These include age limits for volunteering or job retraining, which persist while at the same time the European Union aims to extend working lives and promote active ageing! Ongoing policy reforms only provide incremental progress but fail to ensure that the rights everyone has do not diminish nor become less important with age.

This is why on the 1st  October, the international day of older persons, we do not only , but we also launch the global campaign “Ageing Equal”. Leading up to the 70th birthday of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in December 2018, this campaign highlights that growing older does not undermine our human rights.

This is a cause that concerns us all, as we are all growing older.

Together we can make a difference. Join us for the 70 days of this campaign and help us fight ageism”.

Ebbe Johansen, President, AGE Platform Europe

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