Photo of Anti-Ageist Birthday Cards by Changing the Narrative CO Serendipitously last year there were several anti-ageist birthday cards campaigns in Colorado, Finland and the UK. As a result, recently
Human rights must be at the heart of policy work on ageing at EU, national and international levels. But how do we apply this approach in practice ? By Nena
Getting older brings many benefits. According to Age Proud Leeds, it’s time to feel good about ageing and to create a more positive narrative around older age. With this new
Dans un monde de plus en plus productiviste, qui calcule la valeur humaine en termes de pertes et profits, vieillir n’est pas de bon ton. Pour lutter contre les injonctions
‘It’s never too late’ (in Catalan, #MaiÉsMassaTard) is a campaign to raise awareness about gender-based violence against older women launched by Fundació Aroa (Aroa Foundation) in Spain. The intersection of
OldSchool@WorkAlliance is an emerging collective whose members will establish best practices for holding companies accountable for rectifying systemic bias and making age a criterion for diversity. OldSchool@WorkAlliance Team composed of
La campaña #SoyMayorSoyComoTú es una campaña participativa para dar visibilidad a las personas mayores haciendo un llamado a la igualdad para todas las edades. Con motivo de la conmemoración del
Older people are rights holders and are entitled to the full enjoyment of their rights, irrespective of age or dependency. Yet, the stereotypical perception of later life often hinders older
Par Clément Boxebeld et Julia Mourri La transition démographique est un phénomène mondial sans précédent, mais la vieillesse reste entourée de représentations négatives. Inspirés par nos grands-parents, nous avons voulu