‘Older women carry on – as they always do’: the 2nd week of the #AgeingEqual campaign in a nutshell

‘Older women carry on – as they always do’: the 2nd week of the #AgeingEqual campaign in a nutshell

Our second #AgeingEqual campaigning week looked at the intersection of age and gender. We touched upon specific issues faced by older women and non-binary people as the consequence of life-long differential treatment because of their gender. But this week was also the opportunity to put wonderfully strong women at the forefront of the fight for human rights! We teamed up again with a bunch of partners and older female activists to stress the additional burden ageism put on the shoulders of women and transgender people. You missed it? Here you go with our weekly wrap-up!


The accumulation of ageism and sexism has devastating effects!

Ageing is experienced in very different ways depending on our diverse past experiences. As we grow older, the impact of these experiences accumulatesUnequal treatments between some groups of the population result in differences in the way those groups age. If women’s pensions are 40% lower than men’s, it is due to life-long differences in pay and working time. 

This second week on ageism and gender introduced the concept of multiple discrimination as some groups of the population experience ageism on top of other discrimination such as sexism or racism.


Experts shed light on the cumulated impact of ageism and sexism



Women from across Europe shared their personal stories



Do you want to share your experience of ageing? Contact us to give visibility to more examples of age discrimination with a blogpost. You can also use the hashtag #AgeingEqual to add your voice in social media!


And our community kept growing…

The #AgeingEqual campaign gained new allies during this week on gender, being supported by the European Women’s Lobby, the European Institute for Women’s Health, the European Network of Migrant Women, Women Against Violence – Europe, Eurocarers


You are more and more to take a stand against ageism! 



The next week (15-21 October) of this 70-day campaign that will be dedicated to the impact of ageism on the capacity of older persons to enjoy social rights. Your further support and input to the campaign will again be crucial. Join the movement!


Together We Can Make A Difference!

Share your story using the hashtag #AgeingEqual
and help us shine a spotlight on ageism.


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