Soy Mayor, Soy Como Tú
La campaña #SoyMayorSoyComoTú es una campaña participativa para dar visibilidad a las personas mayores haciendo un llamado a la igualdad para todas las edades. Con motivo de la conmemoración del
“I want to make my own decisions”
Vlaamse Ouderenraad collected stories from older persons. They asked them how they feel about ageing and how they would like to be perceived and empowered to participate equally in society.
“How are you ageing today?” Art, Activism and Ageing
In this blogpost, Dave Martin from The Centre for Policy on Ageing builds the case for creative social action as a tool to tackle ageism. Creative social action can provide
Tools to protect a life that is worth living
Older people are rights holders and are entitled to the full enjoyment of their rights, irrespective of age or dependency. Yet, the stereotypical perception of later life often hinders older
“L’âgisme tue ! Nous devons repenser les représentations négatives liées à l’âge”
Plus de 3000 suicides de personnes de plus de 60 ans ont été répertoriés en France, un chiffre comparable au nombre de morts dans des accident de la route. Francis
“I have more time for other things now”
Inclusion Europe interviewed Jacqueline Pareys, 65, who worked long years for Inclusion Europe as an office helper. She told them about her life, what has changed and about the advice
CSPA giving a voice to retired public servants
By David Luxton On the International Day of Older Persons, the Civil Service Pensioners Alliance is rallying the #AgeingEqual campaign to: Maintain and improve the value of public sector pensions;
Oldyssey, un livre pour rapprocher les générations
Par Clément Boxebeld et Julia Mourri La transition démographique est un phénomène mondial sans précédent, mais la vieillesse reste entourée de représentations négatives. Inspirés par nos grands-parents, nous avons voulu
“I felt that at the end of the day, I have been used and dumped”
His name is Chief Chibueze Akpu. He lives in a village in Kaduna State, Nigeria where he has worked all his life. He was an apprentice trader until the outbreak