There are more and more elderly people with migration roots. But not in the nursing home. Researcher Saloua Berdai argues for a proactive policy and more attention for invisible exclusion
Este testimonio está extraído de una colección de entrevistas sobre el tema Microedadismos realizadas por la asociación de personas mayores UDP Mayores en España. El testimonio completo se publicó originalmente
Photo of Anti-Ageist Birthday Cards by Changing the Narrative CO Serendipitously last year there were several anti-ageist birthday cards campaigns in Colorado, Finland and the UK. As a result, recently
This testimony is extracted from an interview of Fatoş Ipek-Demir by Linda van Ingen published in Dutch here. Photo by Marion Duimel. There was no good place for a Turkish
Francis est ancien militant de la lutte contre le sida, bénévole aux Petits Frères des Pauvres, membre du groupe d’éthique clinique de Cochin et des Petits Frères et créateur de
Human rights must be at the heart of policy work on ageing at EU, national and international levels. But how do we apply this approach in practice ? By Nena
The word ‘ageing’ does not mean ‘old’ or older. It is an adjective which refers to time passing, and the effect of that time passing on the noun it describes
For Vassili, the celebrations taking place for the International Day of Older People rather go unnoticed. But it is not as much celebrations older people need, as equal treatment. This
Getting older brings many benefits. According to Age Proud Leeds, it’s time to feel good about ageing and to create a more positive narrative around older age. With this new